
I am a former DPO working under articles 37, 38, and 39 of the GDPR with two years of experience. Also GDPR Consultant, and Cybersecurity Consultant with more than two and a half years of experience.
For my official DPO job, I worked under professional secrecy. Was declared as GDPR DPO at the French Data Protection Authority.
I am GDPR consultant since 02/2019 with several missions for companies in Europe, based in Germany, Ireland, Norway, Belgium, and France. But also in Canada and Tokyo for SME and International companies. Some works with the justice, the police and child protection.

Member of the AFCDP (French Association of Data Protection Officers) since the second year now . Signer of the “Charter of Deontology for Data Protection Officers ” for every official DPO mission
The GDPR is not only web or digital-based but also concerns paper documents.

Interested with cybersecurity since over more than ten years, working on different actula labs and techniques.
Into computer since i was a teenager. My first computer was an Amstrad 464
OSCP alumni , certified with VHL and VHL Advanced Plus (virtual hacking lab) and SPSE (Python for pentesters).

Owner of the international cybersecurity blog ch-info.org
Team of French White Hat hacker blog hackademics.fr
